WordAds WordPress Make Money Program

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  1. I’ve applied on December 2015.. And their approve my blog.. Still waiting how much I can earn with Indonesian language content (of course, all traffic almost from Indonesia).. Do you have any screenshot of wordads earning based on your experience? How many dollar do you get for 1000 impression?

    Thanks Pradeep Singh
    Cheers from Indonesia

    1. Hi Jimmy,
      Sounds good. Do share your experience and earnings with WordAds once you have some figures.
      Although my blog is approved for the program and I used it for a day or so, I deactivated it because of the quality of Ads. I do have some screenshot for reasons I deactivated and I was planning to a post soon.
      That’s not to say I don’t recommend it – I probably have better options and it didn’t work for me!!

  2. I applied on end march for wordads and got 59234 ad impression but only got paid $1.01. Is that normal?
    I searched other blogs like clarissa blog and others. They got lest impression than me but got paid more. How does the paying works?

    1. Hi Jane,
      The amount that you earn from the Ads should depend on the quality of the Ads that appear on your blog.
      Having said that, your figure looks totally strange to me!! I don’t think it’s worth using WordAds on your blog with that sort of earnings.
      Are you not using Adsense? I think that should do really well with your traffic.

  3. Is there any ad program apart from Word ad for my WordPress site.

  4. Am so much impress with this new development. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I am on the WordAds team at WordPress.com. I wanted to clarify that Adsense is one of the bidders. Others include Amazon.com a9, Facebook Audience Network, Yahoo, Aol, and 50 other bidders.

    1. Thanks for the clarification Jon! I am sure it will be useful to users trying to evaluate the differences between WordAds and Adsense.

  6. I’ve been using WordAds since May 2012 which I believe is when it first started up. At first, the amount paid was some nice pocket change. I don’t have a lot of traffic, but steady. However throughout the years, the amount paid per similar number of impressions has dropped rapidly. Here is a few numbers I pulled since I started using WordAds. I do realize that the amount paid does vary due to several different reasons. However, the amount per each month since February 2016 plummeted to about 10% of what I used to earn. Why? Just doesn’t seem right.

    2012-10 17,335 $105.78
    2013-05 24,791 $36.93
    2013-06 19,199 $31.02
    2013-08 20,174 $38.67
    2014-05 20,827 $52.71
    2015-02 22,506 $45.05
    2015-10 21,072 $29.40
    2016-01 19,532 $26.43
    2016-02 12,727 $ 2.17
    2016-03 22,691 $10.00
    2016-04 19,991 $10.50
    2016-05 14,831 $14.43
    2016-06 1,225 $ 9.53
    2016-07 14,429 $ 2.10
    2016-08 16,434 $ 2.71
    2016-09 5,940 $ 2.52
    2016-10 12,007 $ 2.97
    2016-11 15,531 $ 3.81
    2016-12 16,260 $ 5.64

  7. Avatar of Ad publisher Ad publisher says:

    Wordads is a big time scam.

    Pageviews: 90K
    #of ads in a page: 4 (header, below post, 2 in sidebar)
    Ad impressions: 13k (Which I really doubt but told so by wordads)
    Amount paid for 13k impressions: $1.45

    Willing to provide screenshot.

    Stay away from this scam or be willing to flush your money down the drain.

  8. I join to abovementioned comments about scam. Just imagine, i got 267 804 in one year and i received just 10 USD for it. Is it a joke? It`s not a joke, it`s their policy fooling of unexperienced bloggers. Dont join to WordAds never ever, by no means.

  9. Hi! I have about 1 million impressions every month and I can say I will STOP ussing WordAds. The thing about this EVIL COMPANY is that they do not care at all about publishers. They are dropping the earning every year in september-october. If you ask them why they will say -FLUCTUATIONS. REALLY? NO TRANSPARANCY from this company.

    I am ussing this company since may 2017
    *may 2017 -56054 impressions 1.36$ CPM =76$ earnings.
    *august 2017 -35169 impressions 2.31$ CPM =81$ earnings.
    THIS was good right? In that perios my views were low.
    *september 2017 -683947 impressions AND only 0.15$ CPM (a very big CPM drop) =105$ earnings
    since then the CPM droped …
    *SEPTEMBER 2018 -1 million+ impressions and ONLY 0.05$ CPM =56$.
    AND now THE SHOCK for me!!!
    * OCTOBER 2018 -1 million + impressions AND ONLY 0.01$ CPM =15$.
    A drop from 100$ monthly to 50$ and now to 10-20$ with only 0.01$ CPM! They are selling for FREE the ad space. Sonce today I really do not know how much do I really earn? WHAT IS THE percentage i get? 1%, 10%? HOW MUCH! It is very low anyway. I AM VERY DISSAPIONTED cuz this company do not value the work we are doing here on our blogs! I talked with many blogers! They all are getting drops by 50-90% in earnings and the company say that is just FLUCTUATIONS! PLEASE bloggers lets protest SOMEHOW. Let all TURN OFF WordAds for a week at least until they will come with explanations.
    *Anyway I know the CPM since a few days ago.(they updated on my blog the cpm for every month)*
    And in november and december 2018 the everyday CPM is only 0,01$. THIS IS VERY LOW. I am from Europe and here the CPM and the earnings DROPPED a lot!

    1. maybe it`s worth to ignore WordAds and to join to another one, such as AdSense.

      1. Avatar of Lasy Fisch Lasy Fisch says:

        if you are hooked up with wordpress.com you cannot use adsense…

  10. One of the worst thing that it slower the web speed.