Twenty Sixteen WordPress Theme 2016

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  1. there is a defect in this theme complete post on the hompage and that makes the home page very long …….and there is no solution…….else design is good…..

    1. Use the more tag in your posts and it will display an excerpt. I really like this theme it looks like it will be very usable for most types of sites.

  2. thanks for the share Pradeep ! it looks clean and simple will use to a new website i am opening !

  3. Great post thanks for sharing!

    Loving the new theme and currently have it installed on my site



  4. Twenty Sixteen is indeed a nice WordPress theme, clean and modern look with perfect typography for bloggers. Some features which are missing in Twenty Sixteen like full width page template, footer widgets, removing the fixed background frame, Ad Slots etc can be found in Twenty Sixteen child theme, Brownie .

    I really like Twenty Sixteen design, just was looking out for some more basic features. Well, I did upload my logo too thru customizer in the child theme. Thanks for sharing, it is a good start for 2016 by WordPress team.

  5. hello… Please how do i add a logo to wordpress 2016 theme as it does not come with an option to do that in the customizer… thanks

  6. Really informative post and thanks for sharing. Just a question, rather a silly question, how do adverts look with this theme?

  7. I really miss the ability to add my logo at the top along with the site title and tag line. Otherwise I like the theme. I imbedded it on the featured image but it is too low and there is a lot of white space at the top.

  8. Thanks for the ready made Child Theme. I am going to use it on my website. Twenty Sixteen looks better than fifteen considering the option to remove the sidebar.

  9. I am thinking of changing my theme to twenty sixteen bit it has some restrictions on customization that requires manual work. I hope I can spare 1 day for this.

  10. We are using Twenty Sixteen at NottinghamMD(dot)com and we really like it. It seems to be very user-friendly and easy to customize.

  11. I just recently downloaded the 20/16 theme and like it very much! I find it is easy to use and making any changes to the theme are not difficult.
    The excerpt intro for posts is on the features I like best. So far no issues or concerns…..very happy 10/10.

  12. hello dear developer,

    good day: i have some issues – i need a Troubleshooting: the new WordPress theme 2016 is missing the Sidebar and the center is tooo small:

    see the page:

    switched from twentyfourteen to twentysixteen – now i have missing sidebars and a too small content-area (in the middle of the site:)

    The missing sidebar problem is almost always caused by a recent change that ive made. Such a change may be the result of: A new theme – i switched to the twentysixteen – i have had the theme 2014 untill now.

    i skipped all the code that i have mentioned in the above posting. In other words – i have thrown away all the code – and have a empty css-widget.

    now i try to run the following code to approach the following goal: – see the left and the right side-column

    I tried to make a modification in the Twenty Sixteen theme with the following code:

    .sidebar {
    float: right;
    margin-left: -100%;
    max-width: 413px;
    position: relative;
    width: 14.4118%;

    .sidebar {>
    float: left;
    margin-right: -100%;
    max-width: 413px;
    position: relative;
    width: 14.4118%;

    but wait: the center area is way too small …
    i need to have a center area with a more wide …

    how to approach this? – see the page:

    love to hear from you
    thx in advance for every hint – and tipp.

    you can reach me via

    regards martin