Mailchimp RSS Campaign Automated

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  1. Very clear and very complete guide. Thanks a lot.

    I’m building a wp site for my small french village and I wanted a simple way to send the news via regular and automated emailing. I followed your instructions and I sent a 1st test and you know what, it works!!!

    I just need to still work on the design of the newsletter and of my site and it will be ok.
    Thanks again.

  2. You didn’t mention prices?!

    How much does this service cost?

    Excellent guide by the way.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your comment.

      MailChimp has a free plan up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month!

      It’s easy to get started with their free plan and you can upgrade once you go beyond that limit.

  3. Step 4: Choose Subscribers List and Segment

    I’m having an issue finding where to set the rss feed to the group…

  4. Step 4: Choose Subscribers List and Segment

    I cant find these options mentioned

    1. Hi Richie,

      You should have a created a list of subscribers to see the list on Step 4.

      Creating a list is first thing you should do while setting up MailChimp to collect emails.

      You should have the option to create a list on your Dashboard with the following description.

      Create a list
      Lists are where you store your contacts (we call them subscribers). Create one master list, then use segments and groups to email select people.

      I hope that helps.

  5. One problem — the default for an RSS feed is to post excerpts. That is fine. The problem is it is at the end of the excerpt it is giving two links at the end of each excerpt:

    Continue reading »

    Read on »

    BOTH do the same thing–take the person to m website to read the full story. I need to get rid of one of them, because having both of them looks both silly and unappealing.


    1. Hi Darrell,
      Yes, having just one link to guide your readers to the full post should be fine.

      “Continue Reading” should just do the job!

      1. Yes, I’d like to have only 1. The problem is Mailchimp is inserting both, and I cannot find a way to disable either of them.

        Any thoughts?

      2. Mailchimp is automatically adding both.

        How do I manually delete one of them?

  6. Hi Pradeep, thanks for the article. It was really helpful in improving my newsletter. Great work!

  7. Its a great tutorial. But you should also add mail screenshot. How it looks after sending.

  8. Hi there!

    Is it possible to send mails as soon as a new blog post is published on WordPress rather than sending campaigns on a specific time?


  9. Any resources out there for coding a RSS specific template for mailchimp?

  10. Hi,
    I want to add all my rss feeds subscribers automatically to the campaign, is it possible ?

    1. Hi Rajendra,
      If you use Feedburner for RSS feeds, you might be able to export all the email subscribers’ list and import them to your MailChimp list.
      I guess that’s what you are looking for.

  11. What a tutorial! Thanks for that.

    Question please; does the RSS-to-Email count in the MailChimp monthly email limit?

    1. Hi Odira,
      Thank you for appreciating!
      Yes, the RSS-to-EMail still counts under your monthly email limit. The limit for free plan still is up to 12,000 emails per month.

  12. Hello! This post is really very helpful but I have a doubt.I am using feedburner for RSS feed, can I use Mailchimp RSS campaign along with feedburner? or will I get any issues in Mailchimp account? what should I do? I am a new blogger and facing few issues regarding this.

    1. Hi Khadija,
      That shouldn’t be a problem. You can definitely use your feedburner for RSS feed but make sure you have the feed properly formatted to include images (if you want to include images within MailChimp campaign).

  13. I have a custom post type which contains listings that are updated every so often. Each time these are updated i’d like this pushed to the RSS and then to an email newsletter.

    Can feedburner or mailburner pick this up? Currently, only new posts are fed to RSS.

    1. Hi Benjamin,
      Yes, you need to merge/include your custom post type feed in your main RSS (You can find plugins to do this).
      Once it’s included in your main feed RSS, Feedburner will surely pick it up.

      1. Ok, I was referring to the post content actually being updated and then this pushed to rss. I can include custom posts in the feed ok but only NEW posts are pushed to the RSS as opposed to existing posts which have been updated. How do I show when an existing post is updated?

        Thank you

  14. Hi Pradeep,
    Thanks very much for this tutorial. I am having a serious challenge. I cannot find any rss feed template on my key board. What could the problem be?
    Many thanks in anticipation!

    1. Hi Ugochi,

      Do you mean you cannot find RSS feed template on MailChimp?

      It seems MailChimp has recently updated their templates. You can basically choose any template and use the RSS content blocks to pull content from your RSS feed.

      “The Template step is where you’ll choose the layout you want to use. You can create an RSS Campaign from any of the available templates, and use our RSS content blocks to pull content from your feed into your campaign layout. If needed, you can switch templates later.”

  15. Hey,
    Great article. Thanks a million. But i have a situation which I’ll love you to help solve please. Mailchimp campaign isn’t accepting my RSS feed URL. I have typed in the correct URL but still thw same situation. What do i do pls?

    1. Hi Daniel,

      Just try entering your website URL, and let MailChimp find the feed Url for you.

      1. Good evening Pradeep,
        Thanks a ton for your advice. The response i got is “connecting to url failed”. Actually I’ve done exactly what you said many times before i decided to ask for help here and still tried again after i saw your message. The response hasn’t changed.
        What could be the problem pls? I need the solution.

        1. This is what I get too.

  16. How do I format my Word press blog to map accurately into the Mailchimp template?
    Background: I already have a Mailchimp newsletter, produced directly in Mailchimp. I would like the email newsletter to be posted in my WordPress blog. As I’ve been unable to find a method to automatically feed the email newsletter into WordPress, I’m exploring the reverse: produce the content in WP, then use the RSS feed to auto flow into the Mailchimp template.
    Back to my question: how do I map content from WP into the Mailchimp template? Thks!

  17. Amazing and detailed tutorial man. Keep it up! Thank you so much

  18. Avatar of SOMA BANIK SOMA BANIK says:

    Undoubtedly..Mailchimp is the best…this post is really helpful for me…as a Feedburner user..I was in a dying need for such kind of post…:)

  19. Hi Pradeep,
    Thanks very much for this tutorial. I am having a serious challenge. I cannot find my future image of the blog! Can you explain me!!

  20. Hi – this is excellent and exactly what I need. But can I intervene in the process? I’d like to send emails where the bulk of the content is RSS-grabbed from my wordpress website, but I would like to be able to put a foreword to the email each time, to allow a little bit of editorial.

    Is is possible to do that? To have this ready to go out at the end of each month, but allow me to go in and write an opening section to it?

    1. Avatar of pradeepdotco pradeepdotco says:

      Hi Ben,

      I don’t think that’s possible when it’s automated. What you can do, however, is design such template within Mailchimp and add that editorial each time you send a campaign. I hope that helps.

  21. Avatar of eric limoyo eric limoyo says:

    Hi Pradeep,
    How can I have multiple articles in one email? I can only pull the most recent with I’d like to have an email displaying the top 3 most recent?

  22. Avatar of Kevin Harter Kevin Harter says:

    Thanks for the article!

    We’re trying to figure out the best practice for including a post in multiple editions of a Mailchimp RSS-generated campaign. For example, we may want a post to repeat in the newsletter over the course of a few weeks/editions. We could duplicate the post and have each publish a week apart, but they posts would be duplicated on our blog then.

    Thanks for any suggestion you may have.

  23. Great guide! When scheduling the RSS campaign I wanted to set it up so whenever I posted on my site Mailchimp would send out, no matter the day. If I were to choose every day of the week in settings would it just post once or would it post once each day of the week (for just one new post)? In other words will my audience get just one email that week for a new post or the same post each day of the week?

    It’s hard to find answers out there. Thanks so much!