WordPress RSS Image WPism

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  1. Any thing work for video embeds, from youTube or Vimeo? Or can they be treated like images?

    1. Hi Eric,
      The video handling depends on applications. This is mostly to optimise images within feed and almost all applications use some kind of featured image when they pull your feeds.

  2. Hi Pradeep, nice article. I installed Featured Images in RSS and activated it. My RSS feeds now have images on them but it is does not show in Feedly and another App that listed my entrepreneurship blog in its feed. So I want to ask, does the images take time to start showing in the Feeds or maybe it does not work with Feedly?

  3. Hey Pradeep,

    Thanks for writing the detailed post – it’s really helpful!

    After trying three plugins, I finally found Send Images to RSS to be really useful for my MailChimp email campaign.

    One of the other two plugins I tried hasn’t been updated in two years – I’d be very careful about using such a plugin as it is potentially vulnerable to hackers.

    The plugin, although helped the featured image appear, resized the image so much that it looked blurry. Plus, it can’t handle the spacing between the RSS and description text. In short, it was buggy.

    I also tried the code snippet in my function.php but it didn’t work. I’m a big believer of adding custom function via function.php file rather than using a plugin. However, the code didn’t seem to be working so I had no other options.

    Anyway, once again a big thank you for writing such a comprehensive and useful post!

  4. Hi! I followed all the steps but I still can’t see the featured image in my RSS campaign. How is that possible?



  5. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This article was so clearly written and it laid out EXACTLY what I was looking for.

  6. I tried the manual option.
    the php open and close tags broke my theme. But without it, the snippet still didn’t work.
    found this code (by Robin Cornet) that however did show a *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*

    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt_rss’, ‘rgc_add_featured_image_to_feed_excerpt’, 1000, 1 );
    function rgc_add_featured_image_to_feed_excerpt( $content ) {
    if ( has_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID() ) ) {
    $content = get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), ‘thumbnail’, array( ‘align’ => ‘left’, ‘style’ => ‘margin-right:20px;’ ) ) . $content;
    return $content;

    1. Hi Salvatius,
      This probably happend because the closing tag for the php call is missing.
      Make sure you have closing tag ?> at the end of each call before calling <?php.

      The code works fine. It just seems that some plugins create bad code.
      Hope this helps

  7. Hi,

    Really nice article and I understand fully about how to add the featured image in your RSS Feed.

    I am working on exactly opposite thing:

    I am getting the feeds from my another wordpress blog (say blog A) and I want to show feature image + title + excerpt on my wordpress blog (say blog B).

    Do you have any article for that?


  8. Avatar of Marek Aleszczyk Marek Aleszczyk says:

    I would modify the code snippet like this:

    add_filter( ‘the_content_feed’, ‘featured_image_in_feed’ );
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt_rss’, ‘featured_image_in_feed’ );
    function featured_image_in_feed( $content ) {
    global $post, $wp_query;
    if( is_feed() && ! $wp_query->is_comment_feed) {
    if ( has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ){
    $output = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘medium’, array( ‘style’ => ‘float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;’ ) );
    $content = $output . $content;
    return $content;

    Now it works for excerpts, and it works only for posts feed, not for comment feed.

  9. Great article!
    Tried the coding of functions.php option but that didn’t work for us.
    So we opted for the Plugin variant… which worked great – Featured Images in RSS w/ Size and Position

    Thank you for the information!

  10. Avatar of David Dietz David Dietz says:

    Do you know of a way to include ‘data’ attributes with the images? Specifically, I have Pinterest descriptions for images within them (data-pinterest-description) in addition to alt text.

  11. Can these same techniques be used to use product images when using a …/feed/?post_type=product

  12. Avatar of Carrie Cochran Carrie Cochran says:

    THANK YOU! I’ve been so frustrated trying to figure out MailChimp’s RSS Feed “guide.” And all I needed was one free plugin. Thanks for sharing! My RSS looks so much nicer now!