blog domain .blog WordPress

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  1. I was thinking about getting a .blog domain for my upcoming tech related blog. As most of domain’s .com, .net and other popular extensions are booked, may be it can be a great option for me to get a .blog domain.
    Thanks for sharing a great article!

  2. Hello,
    i am actually really interested to register around 100 tech oriented .blog domains for a coaching project we start in London,
    where we will allocate a blog to students, and monitor their performance along the process during an academic year

    the issue we have right now,
    there is some confusion on the allocation of the domains

    we already have a list of the domains we want to register, and we preordered a few of them
    but when we check on different registrar, some say it is available,
    even the few ones that we already preordered at a registrar

    how can we secure a .blog domain name, and will the domain allocation be a fair process between registrar ??

    by fair, i mean,
    that the first that placed a preorder, get the domain.

    Instead, of the one is the fastest on 21 November

    thanks if you can provide some technical insight

    all the best with the .blog brand

    1. Halille,

      Do you get a chance to register your prefer .blog domain name when it launched last year?